Tuesday 5 July 2011

Create Request Love Potion Links

1. Setting up your farm for the glitch.
Your farm must be empty except for one item - a Message Sign. You can use either your Home farm or your English Countryside farm.

2. Setting up Charles.
Turn on Charles with both Recording on and Breakpoints on after you have completed Step 1.
3. Set up the Glitch on your farm
a. Delete the message sign. Charles Breakpoints will pop up, but ignore it for now.
b. Open the Market, then close the Market.
c. Repeat step b.
4. Set up the Glitch in Charles
a. Click Abort on the Breakpoint you ignored earlier.
b. When the next Breakpoint comes up, close your farm, and turn off Breakpoints.
c. Click Abort on the Breakpoint that is showing.

You should end up with Charles looking like this:

Looking at the Request on the last X'ed (Aborted) item, there should be 3 subfolders under Folder [1] - the deletion of the message sign, and 2 from opening the market.

5. Highlight the last X'ed item and click on the pencil icon shown below:

6. A Pencil item will appear at the bottom of the list. Highlight it, and open folder [1] as shown below:

7. Change UserService.publishUserAction to AnimalBreedingService.onAskForBreedingItem, Change VisitMarket to gk.

8. Click the Execute button, and check the response in the new item that comes into the list.

The link you need is in folder [2], not [1]. Add http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/ before the text in the link, and delete the end of the link that shows &key={*key*} and you will have a link for requesting Love Potions.

You can repeat this as many times you like now without changing anything else. Highlight the pencilled item and click execute.

The link you need is in folder [2], not [1]. Add http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/ before the text in the link, and delete the end of the link that shows &key={*key*} and you will have a link for requesting Love Potions.

You can repeat this as many times you like now without changing anything else. Highlight the pencilled item and click execute.

The link you need is in folder [2], not [1]. Add http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/ before the text in the link, and delete the end of the link that shows &key={*key*} and you will have a link for requesting Love Potions.

You can repeat this as many times you like now without changing anything else. Highlight the pencilled item and click execute.

There is a plugin for Farmville Bot - SEA_GlitchPotions which is part of the ShareEmAll plugin package - http://www.mediafire.com/?nvzr1rrz37cb0eg

You can also generate the HolidayCountdownReward on demand if the account has not made one yet.
Instead of AnimalBreedingService.onAskForBreedingItem, put in HolidayCountdownService.publishShareBonusFeed, and don't worry about changing the VisitMarket.
The link is further down in the Response - it appears several times actually - href is how it is listed.

Any questions, please leave them here below a comment 


Farmville Sharing And Tricks Team

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